Running through the heart of Grand Falls-Windsor, the Corduroy Brook Nature Trail offers a relaxing wilderness experience for all ages and abilities. With many rest and park areas and an abundance of wildlife, you are sure to take pleasure from the experience. Located at the trailhead, the Corduroy Brook Nature Centre is home to a wetland interpretation centre!
The Corduroy Brook Enhancement Association (CBEA) is a non-profit, charitable organization committed to the restoration and preservation of the Corduroy Brook, and to build and maintain a system of accessible nature trails along its course. The Association was incorporated in 1994 and now boasts over 20 kilometres of nature trail, and related infrastructure including bridges and boardwalks, playgrounds, viewing platforms, rest areas, tent sites, and a comprehensive system of signage.
Corduroy Brook Trail
The Nature Trail is constructed along the course of Corduroy Brook.
Nature Centre
Info on our nature centre, rentals, etc
Nature Camp
The Corduroy Brook Children’s Nature Camp for ages 4-14.